How to Make Steamed Bolu Rainbow Soft and Gentle - Steamed sponge rainbow is salaha the name kind of cake that has a wide range of colors like a rainbow, which is called the rainbow steamed sponge. The steamed sponge texture is very soft and gentle so much liked by everyone. The food is widely available everywhere and is very easy to get it.
Almost every region in Indonesia Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus even until the whole world was there one food is steamed sponge rainbow that this is a food that is not foreign to our ears. This cake has very beautiful colors until your children are also very interested in the cake on this one. Although this cake is already banyk sold everywhere, but you also would not hurt if you want to make yourself an easy way. For the manufacturing process is very easy and simple is not much different from the others make steamed sponge. Here is a recipe to make steamed sponge rainbow.
Combine sugar, eggs and cake emulsifier and beat with mixer until fluffy and pucatMasukkan flour, baking powder and salt gradually sifted, stirring until merataTuang thick coconut milk into the mixture while stirring rataAdonan divided into sections and each given a few drops coloring, stirring batter rataMasukkan the colored one by one into a baking sheet that has been smeared with dough in langseng minyakKukus heat until completely cooked