Recipes and How to Make Tofu Semur Delicious Typical Nusantara - Semur is one of the traditional Indonesian cuisine that is much-loved by all people. The taste is delicious with sweet and savory flavors dominated make anyone feel want to come back to eat it.
There are many types of materials used to make a delicious stew. Cara Membuat Semur Tahu And at this time we will discuss about recipes and stews know how to make a delicious stew with tofu-making process is not too complicated.
The main ingredients used in cooking stews are types of soy sauce and hazelnut. Both of these spices are spices that dominate flavor stews cuisine. So no wonder, if stews have dominated the taste of sweet and savory flavors.
Making stew really is not that complicated, but it really takes experience to get the best results and fitted with taste. Several trials will usually make a person who is just learning to cook even be able to master the manufacture of cooking stews.