Recipes to Make Sweet Martabak Super Delicious and Simple - Recipe how to make sweet martabak - A few days ago I shared the recipe to make brownies are delicious it is addictive. And the next cookie recipe that will we learn this time is a recipe for making sweet martabak or often referred to as the light of the moon.
This one cake shaped like pancakes and are usually sold on the roadside. The taste is so smooth and delicious in the mouth makes a lot of people are anxious to make this cake. This recipe can also be used to make a sweet martabak mini,Cara Membuat Martabak Manis living alone who created mini size. Okey straight course, following the recipe to make sweet martabak
Enter the flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and salt into a large-sized bowl. And mix well using a spatula, be screened until the dough is not clotted.Prepare a nonstick griddle or skillet teflon diameter up to you. Meanwhile, mix baking soda with a little water and add to the batter and mix well.
Sprinkle a little sugar, then cover the pan and roast over low heat until the dough martabak looked porous and dry. We recommend that you use a wok lid made of transparent glass, so you can know martabak maturity.