Saturday, September 3, 2016

Porridge Recipe How to Make Special Marrow

Porridge Recipe How to Make Special Marrow - For those of you who like gruel, this time I will share information about how to make gruel special for you all. Who would not like gruel? Gruel has a very delicious sprinkled with brown sugar sauce that is sweet and tasty. To make gruel, you need patience because the process of stirring the slurry continuously until done. The most makes sense gruel extra special is the water that complement the taste of brown sugar gruel become more tasty and sweet. Gruel also very enjoyable with family.

How to make a special gruel pretty easy. In addition, the materials used to make gruel is also easy in the can. The special recipe to make gruel is as follows. Boil 650 ml of milk along with salt to taste and mix pandan.Kemudian leaves 150 grams of rice flour Cara Membuat Bubur Sumsum into the boiling milk before, pail until mixed evenly and keep stirring until it becomes thick porridge. After that, remove and set aside.

Well, that's the recipe to make gruel is easy and practical. If you do not like milk or want to be healthier, then the coconut milk can be replaced with 3 tablespoons of full cream milk powder. Therefore, grain gruel will be more delicious, healthy, delicious and special. Serve this meal for you and your family. Such information about how to create a special gruel!