Recipes How to Make Healthy Fresh Fruit Salad - Recipes to Make Mayonnaise Fruit Salad, Fruit Salad Recipe Make Cheese. Salad is a healthy diet is usually composed of a mixture of various kinds of fruit and vegetables are flush with mayonnaise or other sauces. One type of salad that is very popular is a fruit salad. The fruit salad is made by way of memcampurkan various types of fruit, such as apples, strawberries, oranges, kiwi, mango and others. For sebagain people who consume vegetarian salad is something familiar, because the salad in trust contains vitamins and minerals that are very good for the body. In addition, for you who want to lose weight this fruit salad menu is excellent in consumption rutin.Nah for you are still curious about this fruit salad menu, here are some ways to make a fruit salad recipe that is easy and practical but nourishing.
Peel all the fruit, then wash and cut according selera.2. Cara Membuat Salad Buah Prepare a bowl or plate and then enter all the fruit that has been cut into pieces and gelatin to dalamnya.3. Elsewhere, campurakan mayonnaise, condensed milk, yoghurt and stir into one rata.4. Pour the mayonnaise sauce onto fruit mixture was stir until all the fruit is mixed with the sauce, then sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
The materials used to make fruit salad is also easy to purchase both in stores and on supermarket fruit is widely available, so there's no reason to not be able to make a fruit salad ini.Yuuuk ... start a healthy life with diligent eating a fruit salad. Because a lot of the nutrients from the fruit salad.