Secret seasoning soup lamongan and how to make soup lamongan - Want to know how to cook chicken soup specials. This is the secret recipe seasoning soup lamongan and instructions on how to make a delicious soup with a sprinkling Poya lamongan prawn crackers steady exhausted. Lamongan soup recipe became famous today because in addition to the typical smell with the view that different tastes, so many young women and mothers who want to make lamongan chicken soup in the kitchen of their own.
How to make soup lamongan Cara Membuat Soto sprinkles Poya actually not much different from chicken soup recipes from other regions, but the seasoning chicken soup lamongan more compact so that its flavor is more steady. Additional soft prawn crackers (Poya) that makes the aroma of chicken soup lamongan different from other soup recipes.
How to cook chicken soup lamongan almost like chicken soup recipe in general. The only difference between regular chicken soup with chicken soup powder lamongan extra prawn crackers are commonly referred to as Poya. Sprinkling prawn crackers Poya reality can make this soup lamongan different origin.
How to make savory dishes lamongan original special flavor steady. Many people refer to as the original lamongan soup recipe, but it turns out it's not much different with savory dishes in general, because there are actually its own secrets how to make soup original lamongan steady.
Soto Lamongan actually have different recipes and how to cook with soup recipes in general. Lamongan chicken soup recipe does not use indiscriminate types of chicken. To produce the characteristic flavor of chicken soup recipe you should use the original lamongan chicken and obese adults with a young age.